Readiness assessment

As we prepare for the new shape of work, we make our way through phases on this transformation journey, from reacting to circumstances, to planning for a sustained recovery and  eventually, reinvention. Find out where you are on this journey. Mercer may use information that you provide, together with information from its other clients or respondents, for data analytics purposes, including to create insights, reports and other analytics to improve the quality of and market Mercer’s advice, products and services.  The output of such analytics will not identify particular clients or individuals.

Question 1/3

Return to the workplace

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Your organization understands how employee preferences regarding remote working have changed in the current environment
Your organization has communicated well-defined flexible working provisions/policies/infrastructure for all employees
Your organization has provided training/support to both employees and managers to work effectively in a remote workforce model

Question 2/3

Enhance digital collaboration

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Your organization has the appropriate tools/technology for digital collaboration
Within your organization employees know how to use these digital collaboration tools/technology effectively in their daily business
Your organization has the capabilities to transform traditional work/methodologies in a virtual setting and sustain the transformation across the entire organization

Question 3/3

Likert scale question Title

Likert Scale

All results will be aggregated and individual responses will be kept strictly confidential.

Your score

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Speak with our experts

Please fill out the form to speak with one of our experts about where you are on your transformation journey, and the best way to meet your company's and employees' needs.

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