The Future of Health

Health on Demand

New research on employer and worker perspectives on health and the role of digital innovation helps guide employers to better understand unmet healthcare needs, solutions and opportunities.



Health on Demand, a collaboration of Mercer Marsh Benefits, Mercer and Oliver Wyman, is one of the most comprehensive studies ever undertaken to understand the values, needs, desires and trepidations of workers — and employers — regarding the future of health and the role of digital health in particular. Learnings from the study will help companies make critical healthcare investment decisions over the next five years — which could make the difference between leaping ahead or lagging behind in employee engagement, health and well-being.


By hearing firsthand from both workers and senior decision makers, we’ve identified the most relevant and promising new strategies for boosting engagement and enhancing overall health and well-being — and, most important, where gaps exist in employers’ understanding of workers’ priorities.


We surveyed 16,564 adult workers and 1,300 senior decision makers across 13 countries and gained critical insights into how generational, socioeconomic and cross-cultural differences have an impact on people’s willingness to engage with digital health solutions so that employers can tailor programs for favorable outcomes for both employers and their workforces.


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