As we enter the next phase of the pandemic and restrictions ease, people and businesses are looking for ways to return to a new normal. Where can companies focus their efforts to return employees safely, effectively and energetically? Each organization will have a unique set of questions and challenges. But so far we’ve seen distinct groups of issues companies are thinking about, which span from strategy to tactics. Building a sustainable path to return will depend on spending time on both. 

Nine essentials for returning to a new normal

Whether working virtually or on-site, one thing we know is that a new shape of work will emerge. Quickening the pace towards reinvention, however, requires a concerted effort on a few essentials:

No one knows what a “new normal” will look like six months or even six weeks from now.


If you’re ready to get started shaping your new normal, we’re ready to help. Fill out the form below to download our full report.

Download the full report: Return to a new normal

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