Imagine a world where you could gain extensive insight into the skills within a target pre-deal — one where you could develop a comprehensive talent strategy before people walked in the door. Armed with this knowledge, you could proactively attack essential revenue synergy decisions, such as how best to structure the deal for business results and future advantage; how to value the skills of founders to define their packages; what talent to buy; where to find the leadership skills to champion the change necessary to deliver on the deal logic; and how to blend teams to increase skill depth and bench.


Mercer has teamed up with to unlock the workforce’s full potential through world-class talent strategy design powered by cutting-edge talent AI. Helping our clients advance the new shape of work requires agility, digitization and a future focus.


Creating deal value

Aligning the people strategy with the deal thesis — such as how leadership needs to act, what cultural signals need to be strong and how we cultivate sustainable skill development — is key to unlocking success. Furthermore, having a robust and dynamic view of the skills within your businesses can assist with strategic workforce planning and future integration decisions. Talent supply modeling, which can flag skill surpluses, skill sufficiency or even skill poverty, can help organizations stay one step ahead, with applications far beyond day one and year one.


To learn more download our POV “Tap into deal potential by diving deep on skills.” 

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