Disruption and change are here to stay. Intense competition, ever-increasing shareholder expectations and digital innovations are driving leaders to rethink strategy. The result is an urgent need to adapt that in turn fuels increased inorganic transformation through deals.


At the same time, increasing complexity and cross-border dynamics make it difficult to realize value in M&A strategies. Assessing internal capabilities and preparing well in advance of inking any deals is critical to success.


Merger & acquisition strategy

Whether you’re a serial acquirer looking to refine your current M&A processes or you’re new to M&A and want to set up a highly effective deal team, our advisors can help. We’ll put you on the path to developing a framework with the structure, tools and processes for success — even before you consider a specific deal.


The Mercer difference to successful strategies for M&A

Success requires a proven process and dedicated resources to create and capture the maximum value. Experience matters.


We are deal experts who understand how to mitigate risks, maximize value and moderate costs to create sustainable value that encompasses all human capital levers. Our deal experience and subject matter expertise, combined with battle-tested results from the field differentiates us.

M&A readiness assessment
This assessment provides an efficient, timely and comprehensive evaluation of your team’s readiness to address workforce issues.
Our thinking
Explore Mercer's insights and thought leadership on global events, trends and policies.
M&A Ready™ training
At Mercer’s M&A Ready™ workshop, our insights demonstrate how a focus on workforce risks can improve your chances of success.
Talent Insights
An AI-based approach to understand skills, identify risks, and retention implications pre-close, and develop post-close talent strategies.
Created with Sketch.
Mercer’s M&A readiness assessment process quickly identified the most easily achievable solutions, enabling HR to immediately partner with the business and improve how we meet deal challenges. Mercer helped us to develop a longer-term plan for upgrading our tools, processes and overall M&A capabilities.
Created with Sketch.

– SVP, Head of Mergers & Acquisitions, Fortune 500 company

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